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HEALTHY LIFE - Set your body fresh and health

Posted by RY C Tuesday 4 May 2010

The things that support to the body fit and healthy mind:

1. Rest of quality.
Rest in touch with a place to stay, activities and environments. Night's sleep is one of the most important thing to support health of mind and body. Make sure you always feel comfortable for your night's sleep, with the atmosphere of a cool room, quiet (not noisy), and clean. Good sleep without a thought for 7-8 hours.

2. Places to stay comfortable, quiet, and clean.
The effect of this will greatly affect the performance of the brain and psychological factors. How would it feel if every day you finish activities with the state home atmosphere noisy, noisy, dirty and uncomfortable? carefully choose a quiet environment, comfortable and clean before you one determine the proper place to live. How does your brain and mind can relax with a home-like atmosphere of the market?

3. Eat healthy foods.
Your diet will greatly determine the health of the body and greatly affect the immune system. Moreover the food you eat will greatly affect the "physical form" of every human being. If you want to look fresh, eat fresh foods such as fresh vegetables, soup, sukiyaki, spinach, poached chicken, tofu steamed, fresh fruit, etc.. Try making your consumption of foods that do not contain high saturated fat, cholesterol, and harmful substances such as dyes and preservatives. food processing with steamed, boiled or baked is better than the fries.

4. Exercise regularly.
This first thing you do not under estimate. Forgot / supine exercise a week can make the muscles become loose and your body feels sluggish and your mind becomes pain. Always make a good schedule for exercising, for example: three times a week or every day is also okay. Good exercise can increase endurance, blood circulation and strengthen the muscles loose. Vitality you will stay awake all day.

5. Management of mind / thought patterns.
Life is complex, each person must have been struggling with a problem. Your mind should be back to nature, mean think about what you should do for yourself. Miasl: diet, sleep patterns, patterns activity, recreation, etc.. Do not mix your thoughts with others. Let's face it what is your current experience, you're not going to live forever like that. Most important: make planning for your future, do not care about others. And one more shall you remember your always bonding with God and "communicate" with him as often as possible.


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