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Tips TO GET FULLY success FOR weight loss

1. To lose fat OUT From your Body :
* eat less calories - especially from fatty and sugary foods
* choose from a variety of nutritious foods following healthy eating guidelines
* become more physically active
* BE Strict with yourself

2. Forget The Paranoid WORD OF " DIET " !!

Quick weight loss and sudden highly restrictive diets have little hope of
success. They leave the person tired, hungry and frustrated.

Make some FOREVER changes to:

a) food choices and cooking style
b) eating habits
c) exercise level steps

A) Changing food choices and cooking style

- Eat less fat
* Trim fat from meat, remove skin from chicken
* Choose smaller portions of meat and chicken
* Include fish twice a week
* Avoid fried and deep fried foods
* Cook without fat - grill, bake, steam, microwave or dry fry
* Choose low fat dairy foods
* Save high fat foods (chips, chocolates) for special occasions only

- Eat more foods high in starch and fiber
* Start with fruits and vegetables as a good base to meals
* Included dried peas and beans - baked beans, kidney beans, lentils split
* Choose wholemeal and wholegrain foods

- Cut down hidden fat and sugars
* Choose fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruit, bread or low fat yoghurt
as a snack
* Drink water to quench the thirst
* Limit soft drinks, fruit juices and alcohol
* Check food labels to compare fat and sugar content

B) Changing eating habits to get HEALTHY

* Take time over your meals. Sit down and enjoy them.
* Eat meals at regular intervals to avoid getting hungry.
* Chew food thoroughly. Put the knife and fork down while chewing.
* Don’t be tempted by morsels lying around after the meal. Scrape plates
straight into the garbage bin. Put food straight away after the meal.
* Look for ways of reducing calories in recipes, e.g. less sugar and fat.
* Avoid having unsuitable foods such as candy biscuits and cakes in the house
(to remove temptation).
* Do the shopping after meals, not before and stick to the shopping list.
* Plan ahead - do a menu for a few days.

** When changing eating patterns and habits, make changes one at a time.

C) Changing exercise LEVEL STEPS

Aim for minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, for example, walking,
swimming or cycling 3-4 times a week. This will help with losing weight.


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