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Posted by RY C Sunday 30 May 2010

Problems that USUALLY caused weight gain

Skipping Meals Skipping meals leads to over-eating at other times.
Hidden fats and sugar These are found in foods such as fatty meats (sausage and luncheon meats, high fat dairy foods, fried foods, cakes, biscuits, chocolates, chips, and takeaway foods.
Adding extra calories Dressings and garnishes can add calories:

* sour cream or butter on potatoes
* spreading thick butter or margarine on bread
* mayonnaise dressing on salads
* cream on desserts

Too much alcohol
One standard alcoholic drink contains 70 calories (290 kilojoules) from the alcohol. By adding soft drink mixers, more calories are added. If large or even moderate amounts of alcohol are consumed, this will lead to weight gain.

Large serving portions
A meal portion that is too big for energy needs = weight gain (even if eating the right balance of foods). Particularly watch the serving portion of meats and dairy products.

Snacking or grazing
Snacking (eating small amounts throughout the day rather than three big meals) can be a useful way of losing weight, but snacking on foods high in fat and sugar will quickly lead to weight gain.

Inadequate exercise
Physical activity is one of the best ways of burning up the calories in food. Inadequate exercise leads to excess calories being stored as body fat which leads to weight gain.


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